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The community members have developed their own lores. Some made spontaneously, while others were more coordinated and meticulously written. But the most important aspect is that all of this is light-hearted, and for fun! This page keeps track of the lore actively being developed by current members of Melio.


If you would like to add your own section, don't hesitate to reach out to silw or CesiumCat!

Last Updated on 16 October 2024.


Written by: Taliance

'Aramek', the name of an ethnicity comprised of purpose-driven people, whose culture revolves around astronomy, and whose goal is to bring upon mankind boundless prosperity, and to serve 'Sejeph', their entity of worship in their religion.

Though Arameks are religious, they also invest heavily in doing science and inventing technologies, for these acts themselves were orders from Sejeph, who told the Arameks: 'Learn, and observe the world from which you stand on. For it is only through this act, you would be able to greet me, and the rest of my kind.'.

The current ultimate goal of the Arameks is to complete the prophecy of greeting the stars to advance into a new religious age, by advancing their science and technology to such an extent that they become capable of space flight, with the Arameks greeting the stars with their representatives, just like how Sejeph, the representative of the stars, flew down to this world to greet humanity.


Written by: Dotiichu_

The Followers of the Mothershroom are people that worship all things mushroom. They care for them and help them grow and spread all in the name of the Mothershroom. They believe that the Mothershroom guides them and cares for them, so they repay that kindness by going to visit her and taking care of all the mushrooms. The religion is led by the Mothershrooms chosen vessel Dotiichu, the followers believe the Mothershroom speaks directly to Dotiichu.

"There is always enough [Shrooms] to go around for everyone. The Mothershroom will never leave anyone devoid of Shrooms."


Written by: Kendrz

The Ke'olahu are one of the two tribes that were driven out of their true homelands in Kendigrad. Since then, they lived a sea nomadic lifestyle; hopping from island to island, sailing from sea to sea. For centuries have the generations and the generations after them lived as nomads to the sea; but the winds had a different idea in mind. Their Mat'anggi shamans foresaw great fortunes in the monsoon wind, and their Kwa'a'nang was growing tired of their lifestyle... And so they followed... And followed... The winds south... And they saw land... And they named it, "Lakana'iri".

What followed was another round of Ke'olahu colonization, putting their huts and farms on various islands across the realm. This new land also brought new items, and new plants; such as the exotic Kakatai [Cactus], and the brilliant shine of Rama [Redstone]. Ke'olahu traders also scoured the land, meeting other people of the region; such as the Arameks and the great settlement of Cosej.

And that is the current state of their journey, may Alu Pa'ahara bless their people with prosperity... Though it seems in this new land.. Prosperity may only come if their people embrace the philosophy of Meliorism.