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(4) The Economy

Our diamond-powered economy is as straight-forward as it gets. We use diamonds (and occasionally, netherite ingots) as a form of currency. Since most shops require you to take the items you purchased out of a chest and put the payment inside, our economy runs on your honesty.

We take theft very seriously. See rule #2. Shoplifters not only have to deal with Staff, but you will also have to deal with the Market Committee and an angry mob of Melio members who assume you are trying to take advantage of our "honesty system". If you are considering it... don't shoplift :)

Finding Shops

Most of the economy-related activites happen in the Market District. You can access the Market District from the Nether Hub (follow the white carpets from spawn!). You can also find shops via the Market text channels on Discord.

There are four Market-related Discord channels:

  • #market-bulletin: announcements from the Market Committee
  • #market-spaces: market district land, mall space, or building floors for sale specifically for Market use
  • #shop-listings: list your shops here!
  • #haggle-board: everything else that doesn't fit in any channel

Additionally, you can also use the Server Directory to search for shops using a specific keyword or query.

Information for Merchants


This section details what you need to know for merchants who intend on opening a shop. A summarized version is available inside the in-game lectern.

Opening a New Shop

Here's a step-by-step on how to get a new shop up and running in Market District. Please note that this is a summary of the lectern book's content which you can find by the Diamond Pile (in front of the nether portal).

  1. Pick a spot

  2. Make the one-time payment for your "spot"

  3. Confirm a Market Committee member about your payment

  4. Your payment is now logged and the "spot" now belongs to you. Check with any zone-specific rules. At this point, the timer / countdown towards the 45-day eviction rule begins now.

  5. Begin building, decorating, and placing down chests

  6. Begin stocking your items, label each item's price CLEARLY.

  7. Include an ender chest.

Diamond Pile

Ground Rules

BE TRANSPARENT: We believe in honest and transparent trade. Dishonest, deceitful, and misleading practices that can harm other merchants or customers go against this principle. We disclose as much information and truth as we can.

EMBRACE COMPETITION: We believe in an open, free market where everyone can freely compete for market share. Anti-competition efforts are no fun.

BE FAIR: We believe in a market that is fair for everyone. Selling limited or unattainable items, that should not have any monetary value, is not allowed.

Additional Rules

  1. If you claim a large chunk of land for your shop, we expect you to utilize the land properly (e.g. what is not allowed: taking 30x30 piece of land only to sell one type of item in three chests)
  2. Gambling is allowed, but please transparently and honestly display all possible rewards and the % odds.
  3. If you build a shop for a good that already exists as a direct produce of an existing public farm, please put up a disclaimer that the item can be obtained through said farm.
  4. Selling items with custom name and description/lore and items directly obtained from Backer perks is not allowed.
  5. Buying out a competitor and reselling the same item is not allowed.
  6. Any shop that remains unstocked for over 45 days may be taken over or removed; any uncollected profits and demolished building material will be stored and remain reserved for the original shop owner.
  7. To the best of your ability, clearly LABEL prices on signs and inside containers.
  8. To the best of your ability, provide ender chests in your shop.